25 October 2009

you're quiet

you're quiet, originally uploaded by MadSunCaribou.

i've been obsessed with the process of creating art and the thought behind the final art piece. the work of matthew barney started me off on this. then i've the thought that some people are just meant to be successful. and why am i not one of those? not enough talent or original thought? the i wonder what is it i'm trying to say with my art? is it even art? then i just depress myself.

19 October 2009

summertimes over

summertimes over, originally uploaded by MadSunCaribou.

cool weather finally arrived after weeks of record high temperatures. a friend and i went to the beach with our tutus and shot a bunch of photos. it was great fun.

07 October 2009

get me a bucket [ 249.365 ]

my grandfather got me this camera. i was so excited. tried loading film in it today and it looks like the take up spool is broken. i'm so bummed. i've been wanting a tlr for awhile now :-(

05 October 2009

work place

work place, originally uploaded by MadSunCaribou.

i've been working like mad on all kinds of atcs. they are so fun and don't take months to finish and i love that